Maneuver through

I, like most of you, become very discouraged when I look at the number of unemployed workers, especially because I know that the older we are, the less likely we will be rehired. As this week’s article reminds us, “if older workers cannot get rehired, they start to...

Is retirement good for health or bad for it?

I read an article this week that I thought to share with you as it expressed something I’ve been reflecting on. The author, connected with Harvard, wrote that “For many people, retirement is a key reward for decades of daily work—a time to relax, explore, and have fun...

Perception May be Reality

This week’s article about retiring is written by a psychologist who has researched perception and applied that knowledge to financial situations. The author tells us “By the time most of us reach retirement age, we feel as if we don’t have enough money to live the...

It’s Time to Come up with a Plan

We can’t control the impact Covid-19 has had on our savings, so maybe it’s time to come up with a plan and move forward. Yahoo finance shows us that the stock market is down 20% to 30% from the beginning of the year. The bond market is flat or down and not offsetting...

We are here for you

We’ve always told you that we are here to help. That means in connection with choosing retirement savings options that make you feel good about your future. But that also means to provide assistance in any way we can while you are staying at home. Need help with...

You don’t have the Virus but your losses are still huge

You don’t have the Virus but your losses are still huge We are receiving calls from clients fearful that their market losses are going to require them to claim social security benefits years earlier than they had otherwise planned. This has an impact on their long...